import time
plugins_release = '1.4.16'
mib_release = '1.0.1'
page = {
"description": "Standard plugins for Nagios and compatible monitoring solutions.",
"keywords": "Nagios, Icinga, Shinken, Monitoring, Official, Plugins, Open, Source, Free, Software"
def menu():
menu_pages = [p for p in pages if 'menu-position' in p]
menu_pages.sort(key=lambda p: int(p['menu-position']))
for p in menu_pages:
if p.title == page.title:
print('%s' % hx(p.title))
print('%s' % (p.url, hx(p.title)))
def breadcrumb():
parents = {p.title: (p.url, p.get('parent')) for p in pages}
title = page.title
output = hx(title)
while parents[title][1] is not None:
title = parents[title][1]
url = parents[title][0]
output = '%s > %s' % (url, hx(title), output)
if output == hx(page.title): # Hide breadcrumb if the page has no parent.
output = ' '
return output
def list_kids():
kids = [(p.url, p.title) for p in pages if p.get('parent') == page.title]
for kid in sorted(kids):
print('* [%s](%s)' % (kid[1], kid[0]))
def copyright_years(since=None):
this_year = time.gmtime().tm_year
if since is not None and int(since) != this_year:
return str(since) + '–' + str(this_year)
return str(this_year)
# vim:set expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=80: