path: root/libexec/git-notify
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
28 hoursgit-notify: MIME-encode committer nameHEADmasterHolger Weiss1-3/+4
2024-12-31git-notify: Use Perl's UTF-8 modeHolger Weiss1-3/+5
2014-02-04git-notify: Use committer's name in "From:" headerHolger Weiss1-9/+11
2014-01-22Git hooks: Use new project nameHolger Weiss1-1/+1
2013-10-04git-notify: Replace "-S" with "-G"Holger Weiss1-5/+5
2013-10-04git-notify: Replace Gitweb URLs with cgit URLsHolger Weiss1-6/+6
2013-09-30git-notify: Use another From: addressHolger Weiss1-1/+6
2013-09-30git-notify: Ignore GitHub pull requestsHolger Weiss1-2/+2
2013-09-30Import Nagios Plugins siteHolger Weiss1-0/+676